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The big day is almost here! However, knowing what to do and when can take a lot of stress out of the process. Here, we bring you a simple step-by-step guide to a smooth move.


Already sold your home? You've probably done a bit of decluttering, but there's always more to do. Before you dive into packing, sift through those forgotten drawers and cupboards. Donate or sell what you don’t need. It’s a chance to make some extra money and cut down on removal hassles. And don't forget to clean as you go!


Create a list

Make yourself a checklist, with a timeline, names, and following the order so you can tick off tasks as you go.

Consider using an online sheet so that others can access and see any outstanding tasks.


Find yourself a removals company, even without a set moving date. Midweek moves might be cheaper and booking early secures a slot. Ask the company if there are items they won’t move. Opting for a DIY move? Budget more time and ensure your insurance covers your belongings during the transit.

Plan you new space

Next up, plan out your furniture placement in the new place. Having a solid plan and packing accordingly makes sure everything lands in the right spot. Want to recreate certain setups like shelves, wire arrangements, or picture placements in your new space? Take some photos now for easy reference later.

Don’t skimp on packing materials

Newspaper won’t stop plates from breaking in transit. Get creative and use what you have – for example, laundry baskets to transport towels or bedding. Tape doors and drawers shut and if you’ve dismantled any furniture, put the nuts and bolts in a plastic bag and tape it firmly to the furniture.

Start packing early

Begin with the least used rooms like the loft or garage. Progress to rarely used or out-of-season items, then tackle the rest, room by room. As you pack, label each box with its contents and its destination in your new home. Avoid overloading boxes; balance heavy items with lighter ones like pillows or bedding.

Top tip: On moving day, keep cupboard doors open to ensure nothing's left behind.

Set aside your essentials

Pack a few smaller boxes or bags to take with you, filled with essentials for the day and first night. Include medication, chargers, toiletries, towels, toilet roll, tea and coffee. Also pack a change of clothes, and bedding. This way, the essential things are always at hand.

Update your address

Log your change of address with the council, bank, doctor and dentist or register with these for the first time if you’ve moved to a new area. Make sure you’ve signed up for Royal Mail post redirection too.

Set up your utilities as soon as possible

The previous owner will have let the utilities know their moving-out date, but of course you don’t have to stay with the same provider. Take meter readings the day you move in and inform the existing supplier.

Change the locks

Finally, change the locks. You never know who has keys to your new property, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. While you’re at it, also consider investing in a smart home security system - see who's at the door, monitor and protect your home remotely.

Remember, while this is a comprehensive list, every move is unique, so you might need to add or subtract some items based on your personal situation. Good luck with your move!

For more information on this topic, visit Move iQ.

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