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Create a bold, seamless look in anyroom with a patterened or geometric paper. Just make sure it lines up!
Lining-up wallpaper

Something that’s unanimous with the art deco movement is wallpaper that features bold geometric designs. The designs create a seamless look when they’re joined from wall-to-wall, but when you want to use it at home it can be tricky to line it up. It’s important to paste your wallpaper so that it sits perfectly- any mis-lined or wonky edges, no matter how small the mistake, will make a big impact on the overall look. A bit of patience and the right knowhow is all it takes to get the perfect pattern transition.

Choose a style that suits you

Not so much in terms of style but skill level. It sounds simple but choosing a design and pattern that you’re comfortable working with is the best way to make the job easier for yourself. If you choose something more  complex and intricate, it’s going to prove more of a challenge joining each piece. If you’re inexperienced, starting with something more straightforward is definitely the way to go. As you build up confidence, you can try more detailed designs on your next wallpapering project.

Check how wonky your walls are

You might just naturally assume that all your falls are flat surfaces, but there’s a chance that they slope slightly. When that’s the case, you can find yourself halfway through hanging your wallpaper before you realise it’s not as straight as you first thought. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal and there’s a simple solution. You can see how true your walls are before you get started by drawing a guideline with a spirit level. It may end up leaving space at the top and bottom of your wallpaper, but you can just paint an inch-wide white strip to hide any ends that don’t quite match up.

Choosing the right amount

When you’re buying patterned wallpaper, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting it from the exact same batch so it’s important to make sure you have enough. How much you need will depend on the size of your walls and how many windows and doors you need to work around. Most places that sell wallpaper online will have a roll calculator that you can use to figure out how much you’ll need. If you do find yourself needing more after you’ve already started, see if you can get the batch number of your original roll. Different batches may have slightly different colours or the pattern may not match up properly.

Getting off to a good start

Your first sheet should be around four inches longer than necessary- that will help you to line up the pattern. Make sure you smooth out the first sheet, to get rid of any bumps and bubbles that could impact how it looks. To accurately align the pattern transitions of two lengths, lay a previously cut length on the floor and put the roll next to it. Use it to measure and cut in line with the pattern. Use a sharp knife on dry paper to neatly cut away any excess paper. If you make sure that all your measurements are spot-on, and you have everything lined up properly from the start, it helps the rest to follow suit. It’s the easiest way to make sure you end up with the perfect finished result.

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