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Clients looking to save money and help the planet are really showing an interest in energy efficiency and greener living in general, doing their own research and asking for advice.  Finding the funds for large scale changes can be a struggle amid the energy crisis, but there are many small changes to be made that are not expensive. Spring is a good time to start thinking about this because we can take advantage of improvements in the weather to save energy.


Something as simple as installing a rotary airer or a washing line could save £70 a year* on an average electricity bill, by line drying clothes instead of using a tumble drying during the summer.


Draught proofing is a simple job and can save around £60 a year*. This involves fitting brushes to both windows and doors to stop draughts getting into the house through tiny gaps. Money can also be saved by adding insulating foil behind radiators to reflect heat back into the room.


There are other energy saving behaviours that you can encourage your customers to look at.  Turning your thermostat from 22°C to 21°C could save £145 and 295kg CO₂ annually*. 

Avoiding standby and turning off appliances when they’re not in use could save £65 and up to 40kg of CO₂ a year*. Turning off lights when not in use could save £25 on annual energy bills*.


Setting the washing machine to wash at 30°C uses around 57% less electricity than washing at higher temperatures**. If you need to upgrade your washing machine, look for an A+++ energy rating: these are the most energy-efficient models available, using less water and electricity than lower-rated models, giving cost savings on bills over time, as well as reducing your carbon footprint. Newer models often come with advanced features like shorter cycle times, more programmes, and smart connectivity, which can make them more convenient and efficient. 


Another idea is to look at lighting; as it’s all too easy to forget to switch off an outdoor light and leave it running all night. It’s better to install outdoor lighting with a built in PIR sensor as not only will your customers save electricity, but it will also make their property more secure.


If your client does have a larger budget, it’s worth looking at the windows in their home. Installing A rated double glazing (all our double glazed windows have an A energy rating, which shows how effective they are at keeping the heat in and the cold out) in an entirely single glazed home could save around £195 and around 330kg of CO₂ a year*.

*Source: Energy Saving Trust. Based on a typical three-bedroom semi-detached gas-heated house, with an 88% efficient gas boiler and average gas tariff of 10.3p/kWh and electricity tariff of 34p/kWh. Emission savings include all scopes and greenhouse gases expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent. Correct as of October 2022.

**Based on the average energy use at different temperatures from lab testing of 55 washing machine models. Energy use was monitored on an empty load.