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Between March and May, there are specific jobs that tend to be more in demand than others. This can vary based on factors such as seasonal changes, weather conditions and holidays.

As the UK starts to warm up over the spring, more and more people want to spend time out in their gardens. 87% of British homes have a garden, which means that there will be 23 million outdoor spaces that might want a little sprucing up before the summer months hit. And with 2024 predicted to be the warmest year on record, your customers will soon want the perfect garden to relax in, under the sun. Here are some common trade jobs that are likely to be required in the garden over the spring period.

Prepare for storms

It isn’t just temperatures that 2024 is looking to break records in, but also storms. In January the UK saw several back-to-back storms that put 2024 on track to experience the most on record, yet only 5% of people feel prepared for weather damage. There are several jobs that can be carried out to help reduce the effect of storms such as waterproofing and reinforcing fences, and with £92 million worth of damage being caused by just three storms in February of 2023, you’ll be saving your customers money if something were to happen.

Plan and cultivate beautiful gardens

Customers who are particularly into their gardening may benefit from a professional preparing their garden for the beautiful flowers and plants they’ll be nurturing over the summer. Early Spring is the time to clean up flowerbeds, mid-Spring is ideal for planting new trees and shrubs, and late-Spring is when you’ll want to start planting summer bulbs. For vegetable growers, early Spring is the best time to start planting veg such as potatoes, peas, and lettuces as they germinate best in cool soil, while late Spring is better for warm-season vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and herbs.

Get lawns ready for summer

You may have lots of customers wanting to prepare their lawns for spring. Regular maintenance is the best way to keep a traditional lawn looking neat and healthy, and avoid the need for larger scale renovation later. If your customers are looking for a more uniform lawn, now is the time to cut a ‘gutter’ around it with a half-moon edging iron to prevent grass from creeping into borders and flowerbeds. For a colourful wildflower meadow to blossom in a back garden, spring is the best time of year to sow wildflower seeds, meaning early spring is when you should prepare the soil for sowing.

Flooring and insulation replacements

Away from the garden, any homes have flooring that needs replacing, with carpets needing to be replaced after 10-15 years and wooden flooring after 7-10 years. This presents a great opportunity for local tradespeople, and Spring is the time to do it, as wood is harder to work with in higher humidity.While you’re talking to your customers about flooring replacement, mention insulation options. The function of insulation is to stop heat from moving through the walls of your house, so if you want to keep the hot air out during a heatwave, it will do just that. This means that your customers can save more than 40% on heating and cooling, so it’s a worthwhile investment that won’t take long to yield financial results.