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A purpose-built doghouse gives your pooch their very own palace - somewhere they can relax and enjoy the outdoors, while still being sheltered from the elements. We’ll give you the measurements for our construction, but the size of your doghouse can be completely adjusted to suit how much outdoor space you have available, as well as the size of your dog.

Measuring and cutting the frame

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Measure and mark the timber you’re using for the frame of the base, with two pieces at 1220mm, three at 1130mm and two at 540mm. Then cut them to size.


Once you’ve cut the pieces for the frame for the base, move onto cutting the frame for the back wall. Measure, mark and cut your timber so that you have two pieces at 1050mm and three at 745mm.


Then move onto cutting the frame for the side walls. For these, you’ll need to make your cuts at 8° and measure from that point. The lengths are 755mm, 805mm, 856mm, 800mm and 810mm. Once you’ve cut the pieces for one, do the same again for the opposite side.


For the roof frame, measure, mark and cut your timber so that you have 2 pieces at 1100mm and four at 1050mm.


Lastly, measure, mark and cut the timber for the front, so that you have four pieces at 850mm, one piece at 1050mm, one piece at 150mm, one piece at 500mm and one at 400mm.

Assembling the base

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Now you’ve cut all the pieces for your frame, you can start joining them together. Start by dry laying the lengths for the base, before measuring and marking the centre point of the middle beam, and then fixing them all together.


Measure and mark halfway down the length of each beam to determine the location for the two noggins. Then insert them into position, using a hammer to secure them if need be, before screwing them into place.


Once your base frame is assembled, screw together the rest of your pieces until you have all the parts of your frame.


Once your base frame is assembled, screw together the rest of your pieces until you have all the parts of your frame.


Place a sheet of plywood on top and make sure it’s sitting flush at one end, then mark your cutting line at the other end, where the ply lines up with the edge of the frame. Measure 40mm out from that line and mark it with another line.

Lay down your spirit level along the line and clamp it in place, so you have a guide for your cut. Then cut your plywood to size using a handheld circular saw.
Clear away your off cuts and timber supports, before screwing your plywood base to the base frame.

Assembling the frame

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Stand your back wall and side wall frames in position on the base, before holding them together with clamps. Mark the position of the frame on the base, with the edges drawn 31mm in from the edge to allow for the timber trim to be fitted.


With the rear and side wall frames in place, bring in the front frame and clamp it in position. Then screw the frame together, so that the front and back are joined to the side walls.


Once the frame is fixed together, make sure that it’s perfectly lined up before screwing it to the base so that it’s held in-position. Once the frame is screwed in, you can remove the clamps.


Bring in the roof and lay it in position atop your frame. Because of the angled cuts, you’ll need to use a set square to make sure the roof is sat flush at the back.


Once it’s lined up, secure the roof frame by screwing it into the sides and back.

Cladding the frame

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Take a sheet of plywood and position it over one of your sides, so that it’s sat flush with the back edge. Then use your pencil to trace an outline of the side frame on the plywood.


Repeat this for the opposite side and back, so that you have their panels marked out on their own sheets of plywood. Then cut out the shaped panels and screw them onto your frame.


For the roof, cut a plywood sheet to size according to the measurements of the top of your frame, but make sure to leave an overhang on each side to accommodate the timber trim. Once it’s cut, screw it into place.


Then measure and mark another sheet of plywood for your front panel, making sure to account for the opening. Once it’s all cut, screw it onto the front of the frame.


For the timber trim, measure and mark your timber boards using the dimensions of your doghouse as a guide. Then cut them to size and screw them to your doghouse all the way around the top edge where the roof overhangs, the sides of the front and side panels,  around all sides of the base and around the opening on the front.


Then measure and score your roof shingles before affixing them.


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Go over any areas you’re planning to paint with a sander beforehand to make sure that the surface is nice and smooth, then dust them down.


Apply your paint, making sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the number of coats required.


Sticking on some repurposed PVCu cladding trim not only helps to seal the gap around the roof, but it has a drip groove to help with drainage.


And there you have it, your very own doghouse. Why not give it a nice personal touch by hanging a sign for your dog?


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